Our Mission

Through the catalytic power of music, we confront environmental breakdown and humanitarian disaster in the developing world and beyond.

Our Vision

A global community that stewards the Earth, in which the memorable, emotional, and unifying power of music contributes to the balance between humankind, nature, and society.

Planet Earth is home for all of us.

What We Do

Media Production

We collaborate with local musicians in local styles and languages to produce eco-minded songs and music videos for distribution through radio and TV, online, and throughout a network of dozens of local chapters, implementing partners, schools and extracurricular programs, and more!


We develop classroom materials to encourage fun, engaging and versatile eco-education for teachers in our program countries and around the world! 


We lead all sorts of live workshops, concerts and other events to benefit musicians, communities, schools and all people interested in the union of music with the environment. Some of our most successful events include songwriting workshops, eco-concerts and musical activations.


We identify talented youth leaders, help them build their teams, and empower them with structures, resources, and strategies to lead their own eco-musical revolutions at the national level! This includes promoting CM content, maintaining artist relationships, and more



Humanity has seen the role music played in taking on the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights movement, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and more. History has been, and will continue to be shaped by its musicians. The Earth cannot speak for itself save for deadly disasters. It’s time to speak up for it, before it’s too late! The public and those in positions of power must be on the same page, we all have roles to play in protecting the Earth and each other.


Going further than raising awareness, we create opportunities for real education to take place to enable action for the planet and its people! Through musical storytelling, we are opening people’s minds to new facts and ideas, reinforcing prior learning, and creating conviction through music’s incomparable ability to tap into human emotion.


The music industry has vast influence and resources that can be put to work for the planet. We intend to facilitate that realization worldwide. It’s time to make this responsibility known by the industry itself, and to make it easy for the music scene to take part in saving our planet and protecting its people!

How We Do It


Our skilled team of facilitators collaborates with artists all over the world to create something unique with a powerful message. We are also available for song commissions.


Whether using our own mobile studio or borrowing a personal or professional studio space, we have the chops to record, mix, and master a quality track.


We specialize in music videos, interviews, web series, and documentary films!


Collaborations with festivals like Bushfire and Rocking the Daisies have us excited to bring our inspired friends around the world! We’ve also thrown plenty of benefit concerts, and our founder Alex is available for public speaking,

Meet the TEAM

Our Volunteers with a Vision

Reekelitsoe "Rex" Molapo (Lesotho)

Africa Director, Lesotho Chapter Leader

Reekelitsoe “Rex” Molapo is an accomplished and accoladed young entrepreneur. She’s versatile and multi-skilled; with training in research, entrepreneurship and African studies. She has worked and volunteered with organizations like Better SA, Global Business Roundtable, World Vision, US Embassy and EU Maseru; which equipped her with organizational, management, interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Rex is a Queen’s Young Leader, a YALI Alumnus, A One Young World Ambassador, Tony Elumelu Entrepreneaur, a Pitch at Palace Alumnus, and a UN Solutions Summit Innovator.

Elias "Zinja" Gaveta (Malawi)

Malawi Chapter Leader

Zinja is the enthusiastic leader of an effective team of professionals building Conservation Music Malawi from the ground up. The positive energy and hard skillset of the Malawi chapter are not to be underestimated! Stay tuned for more music and programs from Malawi.

Natasha Sakala (Zambia)

Zambia Chapter Leader

In 2011, Natasha was trained as a climate change ambassador at UNICEF and since then she has been engaged on public advocacy platforms to speak about climate change and mitigation issues.

Being female has never stopped Natasha from being the leader she knows she is destined to be. Since her inception at varsity, she took keen interest in student leadership. Her last two roles stood out as her favourite challenges: Chairperson of the Copperbelt University Electoral Commission and President for the Zambia Institute of Planners-Student Chapter. 

Natasha loves Geography and Politics. She is passionate about sustainable development.

Ghaamid Abdulbasat (Tanzania)

Tanzania Chapter Leader

Ghaamid is a Bsc. Student of Environmental Sciences and Management from The United Republic of Tanzania. He is “in love” with campaigning on environmental issues including Climate Change and Desertification, and therefore raising public awareness on Environmental issues for sustainability. 

Ghaamid has served in volunteering for environmental campaigning, mobilisations and project management in communities at Climate Action Network, Worldwide Fund for nature and  Earth Day in Tanzania, and is a Youth For Nature Ambassador. He is also a YouTuber hosting an online video series for environmental awareness (GM Climate series) focused on climate stories and science.

Ghaamid is also interested in leadership in attaining sustainable development for societal betterment.
































Tumiso Selaledi (Botswana)

Botswana Chapter Leader

Tumiso is an award-winning young conservationist from Botswana. As Vice President of the Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of the University of Botswana, she organized tree plantings, information booths, and many other programs which eventually earned her the coveted “Chairperson’s Award.”

Tumiso is also a road safety activist, traveling the world to various conferences to represent Botswana.

Alex Paullin (USA)


Alex Paullin is a lifelong musician with a degree in Geographic Science and a wide breadth of additional environmental education. He is a talented composer and producer of both audio and video alike, able to direct a project from start to finish and fill any role that’s necessary for the field or in the studio. His travel and field experience with National Geographic serve him well as he chases his dream of sustainable development through music. Alex has sat on multiple international panels and spoken to various plenary conference audiences globally, is a One Young World Ambassador, and has performed at the UN Environment Assembly.


The Issues

What We Teach


Climate Change is by far the most significant environmental crisis we are facing, and it exacerbates the magnitude of all of the rest. The causes and effects can be noticed at a worldwide scale. According to the Climate Change Vulnerability Index for 2015, seven of the ten countries most at risk from climate change are in Africa. The parts of Africa where CM is currently working are in semi-arid and arid regions, which when combined with widespread poverty will spell catastrophe if global warming isn’t stopped, and rural solutions and adaptations are spread widely. We broadcast our songs over national radio to reach thousands of people.


In countries like Lesotho, which is expected to lose all of its arable topsoil by 2040, erosion is a deadly issue. Exacerbated by Climate Change, harsh droughts followed by massive significant rainfall spells doom for subsistence communities reliant on their topsoil to provide enough nutrition for their families. With music, we are spreading Conservation Agriculture ethics and techniques.


The spread of gill nets – and worse, mosquito nets – is depleting freshwater fisheries all over Africa. Mosquito nets are especially bad, catching every single fish to cross their path, including young fish which have never had a chance to breed and carry on their species. On top of this, as one country depletes its own fishery, another sees a chance to profit and starts exporting its fish stock, which is hastening the problem exponentially. If the ethics of sustainable fishing aren’t spread, it will spell disaster for thousands of people.


Poaching is a difficult beast to bring down. Massive foreign syndicates extort innocent people to poach for them or face gruesome consequences in their village. Extreme poverty and desperation leads some to join the poaching black market voluntarily. To those working in the poaching arena, the truth is clear: there will be no end to poaching without enlisting the help of communities. We have already been approached to write a song encouraging anti-poaching ethics, accountability, and participation by rural villagers. Poaching must end, before it is too late.


No matter what the regional climate may be, losing forests is bad for everyone. For rural villagers, it means walking further and further for cooking fuel and building material. For wildlife it means habitat and biodiversity loss. And on a global scale, it means the loss of crucial carbon sequestration to mitigate global warming. Sustainable forestry must be universal. We’ve already done one tree planting song with our friends in Zambia, and we look forward to doing more, as well as spreading seeds about Farmer Managed Natural Regrowth, which you can learn about by clicking the button below.


Linked to deforestation and hastened by Climate Change, desertification is affecting many hundreds of communities in Africa, Asia, and elsewhere. To push back expanding deserts, sustainable forestry is crucial. New trees must be planted, and old trees must be tended to encourage regrowth.


Littering in the developing world can be staggering. Plastic bottles and bags, tattered clothes and unsalvageable shoes, bits of metal and rusted machinery are strewn about the roads almost everywhere. This waste can carry dangerous germs and disease, can kill both livestock and wildlife, and it will eventually make it to rivers and oceans where it will carry on torturing and toxifying animals that we may one day eat. It also contributes to ocean acidification, which is killing our reefs and destroying the ocean’s ability to absorb excess heat from the atmosphere. It may seem small, but as a whole, the repercussions of litter are global, and it must be stopped.


In countries such as Angola and Zambia, slash-and-burn agriculture and charcoal production are exacerbated more by persistent burning of the landscape. Vast swaths of grasssland and forest are burned every year, killing hundreds of animals or leading them to death by a poacher’s rifle. Large amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere, and erosion goes entirely unmitigated as root systems fail after years and years of burning. This leads rivers to siltify, and nutrients to be leached from their landscapes forever.gs.


From a traditional fear bordering on hatred of reptiles to animosity towards elephants and lions, there are significant issues with how many rural people view the wildlife surrounding them. While it must be acknowledged and respected that these people can and do lose life-sustaining croplands and livestock to animals. We hope to write songs that encourage a balanced perspective on wildlife both big and small, and spread the word about the most effective wildlife mitigation methods known for megafauna management.

Working Green

Walking the Talk

From 2015 to 2019 Conservation music made forward strides as a severely underfunded boots-on-the-ground organization fighting daily to rally our peers to protect this Earth. Nonetheless, to this day we refuse to see the broader vision we are pushing towards as any excuse for not living the values we preach with our own daily actions. Below are a few of the earth-friendly commitments we take in the field and at home.


Too many environmental organizations use their long-term plans to justify 10s or 100s of carbon-coughing flights all over the world. We refuse to do this, favoring minimal flights and long stays, local collaborations instead of frequent flying global volunteers, and paying or partnering with carbon-sequestering organizations to ensure we aren’t helping to heat up the Earth we are trying to save.

Our field crew engages in a primarily vegetarian diet. When we do eat meat, we favor chicken and sustainable fish over red meat. That being said, we refuse to scoff at hospitality afforded to us by our friends in the village. We take many factors into account when making dietary choices, first and foremost the health of the planet.

Much of our equipment makes use of AA, AAA, and 9V batteries. We invested in rechargeable options years ago, and they still serve us to this day! We recommend you do the same, save money while saving the planet!

Even in the earliest days of the movement, when funding was completely nonexistent, we chose recycled nylon banners, organic cotton shirts and tote bags, and aluminum water bottles over cheaper conventional options. We practice what we preach.
We minimize our use of single-use plastics and other unnecessary packaging and waste (choose glass bottles!), and whatever we do need to use is crammed inside of an ecobrick! Ecobricks are plastic bottles filled with soft plastics, waste paper, cigarette butts, and all manner of other flammable waste. We turn these over to our waste partners in various countries to contribute to the building of strong and well-insulated homes, furniture, and more! This keeps plastic bottles, soft plastics from blowing and flowing to rivers and oceans, minimizes drain blockage and the breeding of cholera, malaria, and other diseases, and brings new life and purpose to single-use waste and the people who build with it!
The pioneering days of Conservation Music were served by a small backpack-style solar charging kit. During Expedition #K2K, we upgraded to a huge 300W panel and a 12V car battery. Any chance we get to go off-grid and power ourselves with the sun is a priority.
We don’t always get a chance to get our hands dirty and plant a few trees, but we love it when we do! Any tree planting exercises that we join or organize ourselves are seen as an added value above and beyond our existing commitment to carbon neutrality. Extra credit!


An excellent initiative! Music is one powerful tool that speaks to our need as humans to connect. And it can only be a cause as big as life itself when people and artists connect to save the planet – that’s Conservation Music.


Musician & Celebrity, Botswana

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