Happy Earth Day!

[fbvideo link=”https://web.facebook.com/conservationmusicproject/videos/1726916147584652/” width=”462″ height=”” onlyvideo=”1″]   From all of us here in Angola, HAPPY EARTH DAY! A day to reflect on our nature as...

Gravação de Amanhã – Recording’s Eve

Hey! The past few days have been a bit slower production-wise, mainly on account of the various band members’ day jobs. Not to worry, though, I’ve spent that time improving my audiovisual knowledge and practices, as well as beginning to map out our first...

Primeira Composição com a banda “Progresso”

Today went well. It started with myself and Abias, lead composer and keys player for the local band Progresso. After a quick jam to break the ice and a couple of phone calls, we had a couple of other composition-minded individuals with us, each with different...

Progress with Progresso

Today I met with Abias Cavuvi, band leader of the soon-to-be Conservation Musicians Progresso. We set out a plan, and agreed to meet tomorrow to begin to compose a new tune about protecting and respecting the numerous rivers that radiate out from the Angolan...

A Song for Menongue

It’s 4a.m. in Menongue, Angola. The stars are in full form this morning, the Milky Way extending towards the road that my colleagues will take out of the Angola today. If only the road were as smooth as the Via Láctea, as they call it here, perhaps they...