Announcing Earthsong!

Announcing Earthsong!

[embedyt][/embedyt]   What’s in a name? On Earth Day’s 50th anniversary, the team behind Conservation Music is very excited to launch Earthsong, a brand new 501(c)(3) public charity! Earthsong is the culmination...

Summit reached, gratitude, and new beginnings… please read!

  Mission Accomplished! All composition, recording, and filming for Expedition #K2K’s 13 songs and videos are complete, and we have successfully completed our sea to summit journey from Cape Town’s drying coast to Tanzania’s melting glacier. We are so...

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – The Mountain

We’re Back! We have missed you! Here is where we’ve been and who we’ve worked with…we can’t wait to share the finished results with you soon! If you would like to contribute to Conservation Music’s (CM) Expedition #K2K, please visit...

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Lusaka, Zambia

Conservation Music Calls for Change in Zambia At the start of November, Conservation Music (CM) landed in Lusaka, Zambia, to continue Expedition #K2K. On the trek over from Harare, Zimbabwe, we stopped in Kafue, a small town outside of Lusaka, to spend time at the...

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Mambanje, Zimbabwe

Conservation Music Galvanizes Mambanje, Zimbabwe to Support Conservation In early September, Conservation Music (CM) headed to the Mambanje village of Zimbabwe for the next leg of Expedition #K2K. We were invited by the African Bush Camps Foundation (ABCF) to build...